Monday, May 9, 2011

my puppy.

this picture was taken almost 15 years ago. it's of me and my brother, kyle, a few days after we got our first puppy, marbles (yes, i named her...). i thought i could write this without crying, but instead i'll just let the waterworks flow. 

we got her when i was 10; on the side of a road, in my birth town of oveido, florida. we had already moved to south florida, but we were back in o-town visiting. if we hadn't been on that road and seen that sign for "beagle puppies" i would have never known what kind of love a puppy can bring into a persons life. at 10, i was probably too young to recognize that, but over the past 15 years i've learned this to be true.
marbles was the one who sat on my bathroom rug to watch me get ready for my first day of high school. she laid next to me on my bedroom floor when i cried over my first heartbreak. she would howl for me, or anyone really, to take her outside, forcing us to get out of the house and appreciate the beautiful weather. she loved me even when i left for college, not coming home for months at a time, and even after i got married and moved away and she was toward the end of her life, she still managed to sprint around the house for me when i walked in the door. she was the most patient, loyal, carefree dog. she ate with gusto and slept in the shade of our trees.

my best friend left us last thursday. she left peacefully and quietly in the arms of my mom and dad. she will forever be remembered in our memories and in our hearts. my heart aches at the thought of never seeing her again, but i know she's in a better place - running around with grandma and grandpa p, slinky and kramer. going home this weekend and not being greeted by her the second i walk in the door is going to be tough, but i know she lived a long, happy life with a family that loved her more than she will ever know and that's all i could ever have wanted. i love you always, marbs.

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